Appellate Practice 60599 for the 60599 area

Whether to appeal a decision of the trial court is one not to take lightly. It involves significant cost and no guarantees. Even if you won in the trial court, the thought of defending an appeal may be daunting. At Skawski Law Offices, we work with our clients to determine the best strategy for them. If necessary, we pursue negotiations with the opposing party to avoid additional litigation. However, if the matter is taken to the appellate court, the appellate lawyers at Skawski Law Offices are prepared to advocate for our clients' rights, drawing on our combined experience in state and federal appellate courts. Our knowledge and experience guides us in effectively conveying the most relevant arguments, discussing current legal trends and advocating for a change in the law when appropriate. Our vast trial experience provides a distinct advantage when presenting oral argument before court.
Regardless of the issue, our appellate team can help. With experience in state and federal courts, we can advocate for you in any forum.